Wednesday, July 16, 2008

County Fair

Tyler showed his first calf this year at the Rock Island County Fair! To be honest, I never really expected him to follow through on this all. I asked him if he was interested, he said yes. We picked out a calf, her name was Model, which Tyler thought that was a "really great name for a calf" and loved that she was a black Jersey. We got her out and walked her; Cassie helped too. But again, no pressure.
Fair time came and he was all excited about loading her up on the trailer to get her to the fair. He helped his dad with that.
Show day came, and he wanted to wear Wranglers, "just like dad. He is so cool." Once we got to the fair, I was off doing other things and Scott and Brian helped Tyler get his calf out, put the show halter on and Brian gave him a few pointers....and the cameras were flashin'. I came over after this process had already started, but local photo journalists and newspapers were eatin' this up. Cute lil' farm boy showing his calf. What is not to like 'bout this? Tyler stood there and smiled and said his name and told 'em how old he was and "when I'm five I get to milk cows" and told them what his calf's name was.
Show time! Tyler walked Model over there and led her throughout. He was getting a lil' wore out, but he did a great job. He stood fourth place and when he got a pink ribbon, he thought that was the BEST THING EVER. Mind you, only five animals were in the class.

The nice thing about this all is that kids put it all in perspective. Tyler could of stood dead last, but he loved the opportunity of showing his calf and his hard work was paying off by being able to do all the work solo. He felt, um, grown-up, yes at four. AND, I have to admit, for me and Scott, it was a lil' tearful. How could it not be? I was just so proud of Tyler and his hard work.

The local paper did a story. The link follows.

Tyler & Model are all smiles!

Tyler leads Model around the ring.

1 comment:

Ash said...

So cute! I love Jerseys. She looks a little like my first calf, dark faced! Tuesday the speech pathologist came and did an initial eval of Noah and did say that he is behind for his age. They are coming back on Tuesday for a full eval and hopefully some stuff we can help him with. Thanks for all of your suggestions and hopefully I will get to reading the book you sent. The therapist also said that was a good book. Thanks!