Saturday, July 5, 2008

America's birthday II

What a wonderful July 4th for this Bohnert clan. The weather couldn't of been more perfect, as temps neared 80, blue skies and all sun. We loved it and loved our day together as a family. We headed downtown East Moline for the annual parade, which the kids fully enjoyed. They loved gathering candy (it was all about how much they could get, they ate a couple pieces and have forgot about it since!) and waving to the passing floats. We came back home to take much needed naps by all (including mom & dad, no fits by us!), had a bite to eat and then headed across the river in Iowa to watch the fireworks displays & the Bohnert men created some of their own with sparklers, lil' smoker stick bombs & other junk that fully entertained this Jersey family.
The Jersey kids enjoy watchin' the parade!
Cassie enjoys a sucker!
Tyler shows off his prized possessions from the parade!
Later on that evening...Scott lights sparklers for the kids!

The Jersey kids love the lil' smokers!
K & the kids pose for a quick snapshot before the fireworks display!

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