Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Schools out for SUMMER

Tyler loves his preschool teacher Sharon!

No more crayons, no more books, no more ABCS' for this Jersey boy. Not quite, even though Tyler passed his first year of preschool with flying colors as the Wells Preschoolers graduated. The kids going onto kindergarten sported caps. Tyler has one more year of preschool before he is old enough for kindergarten, which is fine by this mama!!!

The program was short (hello its preschool) but I'll admit, a lil' tearful for me to watch. Wasn't it yesterday that he hopped onto the school bus and waved goodbye?! Now its just old hat for him to gather his backpack, get on the bus and go to school. WOW! I know I can speak for both his father & I, we are VERY IMPRESSED with Tyler's performance. Not only has his speech improved in strides, he knows & recognizes all his ABC's, counts to 20, can spell his name (and many other words), can write most of his name and is just eagered to learn. Awe, Ty...keep up the good work buddy!

AND...we were all laughing pretty good as the graduates finish the ceremony with singing "We Are Family!" How cute that Tyler had a lil' dance number goin' on & knew all the lyrics to the song. Too cute!

I know Tyler is going to miss his buddies and teachers, but I think summer break is just what this Jersey MAN needs.

Bye Bye School, hello farm!

Tyler & friends listen to the commencement speech! LOL! As you can tell, Mr. Bohnert brought his own reading material, a request (more like a demand), his 2008 John Deere toy catalogue.

Tyler caught in the act, singing "We are Family" with a smile.

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