Sunday, May 25, 2008

Kitty Love

Tyler shares the same love for kitties as his mama does!! ....And we found some new kitties in the calving barn, so you can guess where these Jersey kids have parked it the last few days, which is actually okay by me b/c its gets us out of the house & visiting the kitties is better than havin' them live with us (a request I had to turn down by Tyler). I have to admit, I'm impressed, Tyler is so gentle with 'em and just "loves them too pieces." He even has named a couple and tells me that they "are good eaters." Cassie likes them too, but isn't sure about the claws! She says "kitty MEOW", which is hilarious because her meow is like a dead cat saying it. LOL!

Cassie gets a kitty that claws! its much better when Tyler holds 'em and lets her see 'em.

AND...Tyler has even bonded with the mama cat!

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