Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jersey Swim Team!

FINALLY, we pulled out the small, um, yes, tiny inflatable pool for the Jersey kids to splash 'round in. Temps continued in the 90's for the first stretch this summer. You don't hear us complaining, but it was a fun way to cool off. Tons of giggles, which really perked me up! I absolutely LOVE, yes LOVE children's laughter. Its deep down, from the toes, genuine and heart-felt. It made our afternoon go by quickly and wore the Jersey swim team out! Or maybe I should refer to the pair as the Jersey dive team as they dove, yes, belly-flopped, hopped, ran, sprinted into the pool, that maybe had six inches of water in the pool. We had to continue fillin' it up because all the water would splash out! The Jersey backyard watering hole was the perfect place to park these cuties this August afternoon.


Gerben en Julie said...

It looks like they are having a lot of fun!they are so cute!!!
how is everything going up there?

sweetb said...

So freakin cute!! I love them! those are great fotos.. yes, how fun is 6 inches of water?! more than we know, I guess!! Wish we were there!! we could do a slip and slide, even!!!