Tuesday, August 4, 2009

County Fair Time

The Jersey kids showed their Jersey calves at the Rock Island County Fair and it just made me beam as a proud mother. I don’t know if I can even capture it in words how proud I am. Just watching Tyler hone his showmanship skills after hours of practices this summer and the ray of self esteem that he exemplified today, just made my heart swell!

When the judge asked how old he was, he said five and when he asked how old his calf was, December, just like my daddy. I nearly tear'ed up! Tyler loved every minute of today—getting his animal ready, showing, the ribbon, helping pass out ribbons later on and helping his dad and uncle Brian show in the championship round.

Cassie enjoyed getting prettied up; I mean which girl doesn’t? Showing was fun, as long as daddy helped and passing the ribbons was fun for a bit, but making friends and boyfriends was what the fair was all about, for her.

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