Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Blessings

I love Easter. The true meaning of it. We have a great life! We are VERY blessed and its on days like this my heart swells. We had the Bohnert family over for dinner and enjoyed the day together. Too bad the youngest member of the household didn't feel the best, but Tyler was full of smiles and giggles. He, along with his aunt and uncles, hid Easter eggs and played games. I caught him a few times 'sneeking' candy, but I had to chuckle because I did it when I was his age, he snuck like two jelly beans, so no biggie. Tyler got to help grandpa Jim haul some dirt this afternoon, and the two Bohnert men gleamed with smiles and very much enjoyed one another's company. I had to hear all evening long, "grandpa said this and grandpa did that". Tyler loves his grandpa; and Mr. Jim Bohnert swells with pride and love for his grandchildren.
The days seem to go too quickly and as the sun stays out longer, the days seem shorter. That makes NO SENSE, but it is very much true. Its pushing 10p.m. and I'm still awaiting the arrival of my husband to make it in for the evening.

Sure hope Easter blessings spread across this great nation.
Cassie looks up to her BIG brother.
Gosh, Tyler really has grown (both physically & maturity)
Altho, he is still a jokster at heart; sportin' a delvish grin.
Cassie is all prettied up for Easter Sunday.
...and LOVED that she got to take the Barbie jeep for a quick ride solo.

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