Wednesday, February 4, 2009

2 1/2 years later...

Cassie Ann is a true beauty! She has stretched out and is "all grown up" in many ways. She looks much older than two, or at least loves how I tell her that she is looking more and more like a three-year-old. be honest folks, she is really acting like a three-year-old. Her ability to learn at a rapid speed seems to amaze me and others around her. Not only can she say all her ABC's, she can recognize them (big & lil' ones), count to 15, know what each letter says "B says Ba, Brody names starts with B, and so on". I'd like to take credit, but I know our friends at day-care and her big brother have a lot to do with this! Way to go Cassie Ann.

She is all independent when it comes to getting herself dress. I have to bite my lip, but I do chuckle as sometimes she comes downstairs with more than one pair of underwear on! I guess she is prepared to say the least. She likes to put her stuff in her cubbie at school, zip her jacket up and pour her own cereal. I hear "I CAN DO IT" all day long!

Cassie definitely is an emotional girl. I'm clueless as where she gets this trait from. :) Tyler tells us that "she is very sensitive, you have to be nice to her." That's for sure!

She is beautiful! Her brown eyes, round cheeks, and long locks make us (and others) take a double look. I don't think we have to worry; not yet. She tells me that I'm her best friend and that she is going to marry her daddy someday. Whew, for now we are covered! I'll report back in 16 years with a different story, that's for sure!

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