Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Chore Time

FINALLY, this past weekend the weather broke and the kids were able to head to the farm. Dad loved havin' the extra set of hands to help with chores and the kids didn't mind gettin' dirty!

Its an overwhelming experience watching your kids grow up and want to work hard. As many of you have commented, Tyler is a smittin' image of his father--in many ways. AND...the two men know how to WORK HARD. Tyler would look & see what needed to be done and took the initiative to get 'r done. He went over to the baby calves and said "I need to feed 'em hay mom!"

And, I watched with tearful eyes, as my soon-to-be 4 year old, took the tarp and tires off the hay bales, picked up slabs of hay and fed them to the calves. When he was done, he put the tarp and hires back over the hay to cover it up. Then, he said, I need to check and see if they need grain. I was so impressed with his work ethic at such a young age.

Cassie rides Tyler's John Deere trike!

Next, the Jersey kids get to work!

Cassie examines the grain for the cows.

Tyler helps dad push the grain cart to the heifer lots.

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