Monday, February 25, 2008

Oregon Bound II

Thankfully the trip included visiting my late brother Pat's two children: Josh and Kelsey. It was Kelsey's 15th Birthday, which was a surprise party filled with cake (kids loved it), balloons (another hit) and a bunch of teenage girls. Kelsey had a blast. Hard to look at this picture, especially considering that Joshua, who is 17, looks identical to his father. Spittin' image. He is 6'4 and growing and playing on the varsity football team. Go Panthers!!! Kelsey is in 8th grade, playing volleyball (and pretty darn good at it) and about as sweet as they come. Love you guys! Your dad would be so proud of you two!
Josh, 17 and Kelsey, 15.
A quick snapshot with Josh & Kelsey.

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